Turkish Coffee Recipe

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What is Turkish Coffee?

Turkish Coffee, also known as Türk Kahvesi in Turkish, is a traditional and aromatic coffee preparation with a rich history that dates back centuries. This unique coffee is made by simmering finely ground coffee beans with water and sugar (optional) in a special pot called a cezve or ibrik. Turkish Coffee is known for its strong flavor, thick texture, and the traditional method of serving it in small cups without filtering out the coffee grounds.

How to Make Turkish Coffee at Home:

Making Turkish Coffee at home is a special process that requires attention to detail and traditional equipment. Here's how to make a classic Turkish Coffee:


  • Finely ground Turkish coffee beans
  • Water
  • Sugar (optional)


  1. Measure the desired amount of water for your coffee cup and pour it into the cezve (Turkish coffee pot).
  2. Add one heaping teaspoon of finely ground Turkish coffee per 3 ounces of water to the cezve. Adjust the amount of coffee and sugar to your taste preference.
  3. If desired, add sugar to the cezve according to your taste preference. Stir gently to combine the coffee and sugar with the water.
  4. Place the cezve on low heat or use hot sand for traditional Turkish coffee preparation.
  5. Allow the coffee to slowly come to a boil. As it heats up, a foamy layer will form on top.
  6. Once the coffee comes to a boil and the foam rises to the top, remove the cezve from the heat immediately to prevent it from boiling over.
  7. Let the coffee rest for a moment to allow the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the cezve.
  8. Pour the Turkish Coffee into small demitasse cups, ensuring that each cup receives a portion of the foam.
  9. Allow the Turkish Coffee to rest for a moment, allowing the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the cup.
  10. Serve and enjoy the rich and aromatic experience of Turkish Coffee, sipping it slowly to relish the bold flavors and unique texture.

Turkish Coffee holds a significant place in Turkish culture and is often enjoyed during social gatherings, family visits, and special occasions. It offers a rich coffee experience that reflects the warmth and hospitality of Turkish traditions.